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Student Guideline

Student Guideline

SCHOOL WEBSITE DEMO is a school that honors and promotes respect for others, inclusiveness, individual differences, and appropriate behavior. We believe that ethics and values are essential in a principled community, and expect behavior that upholds the dignity and self-worth of all community members. In order to reinforce these beliefs, students are expected to live these dispositions, and avoid behaviors that are inconsistent with their spirit and meaning. Together, these five overarching characteristics compriseHonor Code, and students are reminded of this code in many different ways throughout the year.educate and inspire our students to be responsible, productive, and ethical global citizens," perhaps one of the most important components.


Student Guardianship

Students enrolled at Nobal must reside with their parents or appointed guardians. If parents are absent from home for even a short time, an adult guardian must take responsibility for the student's day-to-day welfare. Parents should submit written notice of such temporary guardianship to the appropriate school office.

Report Cards and Progress Notes

SCHOOL WEBSITE DEMO values its partnership with parents, and consistently endeavors to keep parents apprised of their children's academic progress. The Elementary School places reports online each trimester. In addition, teachers send progress reports home whenever necessary in an effort to keep parents well informed.

The MS post report cards online in Skyward at the end of each semester, while the HS post reports (updated) every semester. Parents and students may check current grades throughout the year (with the exception of the week following the end of each quarter).


SCHOOL WEBSITE DEMO believes that regular attendance and punctuality are essential to the academic success of our students. Students are expected to arrive on time and to attend classes regularly.

Each of the divisions have established minimum attendance regulations for its program. These regulations are designed to emphasize to the students the critical importance of good attendance and its relation to academic success. Parents are required to communicate any absences, tardies, or early departures in writing to the appropriate Division Office.

Parents and students must also coordinate with the school to collect and make up missed work due to absences. Poor attendance by a student may result in student retention; however, this issue is reviewed on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the divisional principal .


Homework is an important continuation of work that begins in the classroom and can help to fulfill the individual needs of each student. Parental encouragement and interest in student assignments produce a positive influence on student attitudes toward school and school work. Each division sets homework guidelines that can be found in their divisional Student Handbook (HERE). Parents are encouraged to be aware of these guidelines and to closely monitor their child's homework assignments.

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